Master degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria) and a Bachelor degree in Economics from the Economic University of Sofia (Bulgaria). While she has been working as an entrepreneur since 1992, being an exporter of Bulgarian professional machines and tools and agricultural products, she has established in 1995 one of the first Bulgarian advocacy groups in the field of gender equality – Gender Project for Bulgaria Foundation (GPF). Today the organization is called Center for Sustainable Communities Development and works also on topics as development aid, media, migration, etc. Being its Director, Stanimira managed the overall staff work and participated in project writing, implementing, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of more than 90 projects run in Bulgaria and SEE. As civil society activist she participated in numerous international events connected with the global women’s movement, like the NGO Forum at the IV-th UN Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995.

Master degrees in International Economic Relationships and Corporate Social Responsibility, recently engaged in projects mainly targeted social issues like gender equality, DV, Honor Related Violence, women empowerment, entrepreneurship, social inclusion of Roma people, hate speech, etc. Trainer, mentor and facilitator. Certified mediator and career consultant.

17 years of experience in the organization as an accountant, office administrator, project coordinator. Worked on projects for empowering rural women, gender equality and building rural development networks.

Bachelor degree in Journalism and Mass Communications in Sofia University. Worked as a journalist for some Bulgarian media outlets on topics related to human rights, women rights, migration and minorities. Prize winner of Journalism for development award 2018.

Master degree in Finance & EMBA. More than 11 years of experience under different EU Operational Program in a variety of fields.
Working experience as a consultant, project manager, external assessor at different EU funded projects with private companies, municipalities, institutions and diverse partners.

Bachelor degree in finance from the University of World Economy in Sofia. He used to work for many years on organization and control of construction activities for numerous private companies, like Riverside Residential Park AD, Eco Resort EAD, AEB Consult Ltd, Encon - S Ltd. He has excellent organizational skills and abilities to coordinate teamwork, in program development and logistics.
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